Control Your Diabetes: Diabetes is a chronic (long-term) health illness that affects the A, how your body turns food into energy.

Most of your nutrition is broken down into sugar (also called glucose) and released into your flow. When your blood sugar level rises, it signals your pancreas to release insulin. Insulin performs like a key to allowing blood sugar to enter your body’s cells for energy.

4 Steps to Control your Diabetes for a Lifetime

Step 1: Learn about Diabetes.

There are Three Main Types of Diabetes:

  • Type 1 Diabetes: Your body does not make insulin. It is a problem because you need insulin to take sugar (glucose) from the food you eat and turn it into energy for your body. It will help if you inject insulin every day to live.
  • Type 2 Diabetes: Your body makes neither u.S. well l. A. Insulin. You may need to take medicines or insulin to help switch your diabetes. Type 2 is the most mutual type of diabetes.
  • Gestational diabetes (jest-TAY-shun-al): Some women develop this type of diabetes when pregnant. Most of the time, it goes absent after the baby is born. But even if it goes away, these females and their families take a higher chance of developing diabetes later.

You are the Most Important Affiliate of your Health Care Side.

You are the one who achieves your diabetes day by day. Talk to your specialist about how you can take care of your diabetes to stay healthy. Some others that may help are:

  • Dentist
  • Diabetes Doctor
  • Diabetes Educator
  • Dietician
  • Oculist
  • Foot Doctor
  • Friends And Family
  • Mental Health Counselor
  • Nurse
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Pharmacist
  • Social Worker

Step 2: Know the ABCs of your Diabetes.

Talk to your health care team about handling your A1C, blood pressure, and cholesterol. It can help reduce your heart attack, stroke, or other blood-related problems. A.Diabetes.

A for the A1C (A-one-C) test.

What is?

The A1C is a blood examination that measures your average blood sugar level done three months. It’s different from the blood sugar drafts you do every day.

Because it is Important?

You need to know your plasma sugar levels. A. Blood over time. You don’t want those numbers to be too high. High sugar levels in l. A. Blood can damage the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, feet, and eyes.

What is the A1C goal?

The A1C goal for many persons with diabetes is less than 7. It may be different for you. Ask what your goal should be.

B for Los Angeles Blood Pressure.

What is?

Blood pressure is the force of the blood against the angels. A. Wall of blood vessels.

Because it is Important?

If your blood burden gets too high, your heart works too harsh. It can reason a heart attack, stroke, and damage to the kidneys and eyes.

What is the Blood Pressure Goal?

The blood pressure target for l. A. Most people with diabetes are less than one hundred and forty/90. It may be different for you. Ask what your goal should be.

C for Cholesterol (ko-LESS-tuh-ruhl).

What is?

Here are two kinds of cholesterol in the plasma: LDL and HDL.

LDL or “bad” cholesterol can size up and clog your blood containers. It can reason a heart attack or stroke.

HDL or “good” cholesterol helps eliminate “bad” cholesterol from the blood vessels.

Step 3: Learn to Live with Diabetes.

It’s common to feel overwhelmed, sad, or angry when living with diabetes. You may know the steps you need to take to stay healthy but have trouble sticking to your plan over time. This section has tips on how to manage. A. Diabetes, eating well, and staying active.

Cope with your Diabetes.

Control Your Diabetes

  • Stress can raise your blood sugar level. Learn ways to reduce your stress. For example, try deep breathing, gardening, taking a walk, meditating, working on your hobby, or listening to your favorite music.
  • Ask for help if you feel depressed. A mental health counselor, support group, clergy fellow, friend, or acquaintance who listens to your concerns can help you feel better.

Eat Well.

  • Make a diabetes meal plan with him. A. Help from your health care team.
  • Choose nutriments low in calories, saturated fat, trans fat, sugar, and salt.
  • Eat foods with more fiber, such as entire grains, pieces of bread, crackers, rice, or pasta.
  • Choose foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, pieces of bread and cereals, and low-fat or fat-free cheese and milk.
  • Drink water instead of juice and regular sodas.
  • When you eat, fill your plate half with fruits and vegetables, a quarter with a lean protein, like beans, skinless chicken, or turkey, and a quarter with a necessary grain, like essential rice or must-have wheat. Pasta.

Be Active.

  • Note l. A. Goal to be more active l. A. Most days of the week. Start slow with 10-minute walks three times a day.
  • Twice a week, work to raise your muscle forte. Use elastic bands, do yoga, do heavy yard work (digging and planting with tools), or try push-ups.
  • Stay at or reach a healthy weight by using your meal plan and moving more.

Step 4: Get Routine Care to Visit Healthy.

See your well-being care team twice a time to catch and treat any problems early.

At Each Visit, make Sure you have:

  • Los Angeles blood pressure check
  • foot check
  • weight control
  • review of your care plan

Twice a Year, have an:

  • A1C test. It can check more often if it is advanced to 7.

Once a Year, Make Sure you have:

  • cholesterol test
  • complete foot examination
  • dental exam to check teeth and gums
  • dilated eye exam to check for eye problems
  • vaccine against l. A. Flu
  • urine and blood tests to check for kidney problems
  • At least once in your life, get a:
  • pneumonia vaccine (nu-mo-nya)
  • hepatitis B vaccine (HEP-uh-TY-tiss)

Medicare and Diabetes.

If you have Medicare, check how your plan covers your care. A.Diabetes. Medicare covers some of the costs of:

  • diabetes education
  • diabetic supplies
  • medicine for him. A.Diabetes
  • visits with a dietician
  • special shoes, if you need them

 Actions you can Take

  • Ask your health care side about these and other tests you may need. Then, ask what your grades unkind.
  • Pen down the date and time of your following appointment.
  • Use l. A. Card found in the last of this booklet to keep track of your diabetes care.
  • If you have Medicare, check with your plan.

Things to Remember:

  • you’re systemized more of your health care team.
  • Follow the four steps in this brochure to learn how to control yDiabetesetes.
  • Learn how to reach your ABC Los Angeles Diabetes goal. First, you ask your health care team for help.

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