
Every year, the number of marketing users increases in effective email marketing. By the end of 2022, there will likely be over 4.2 billion users. What these figures show, besides the fact that email remains one of the preferred forms of business communication, is that email marketing remains a very effective means of reaching potential customers, even essential for getting the most out of an effective email marketing strategy.

Since more than 293 billion emails are sent daily, it is expected to ask the question. In a sea of emails, how can you make your corporate stand out from the mob and make more sales through higher open and click-through rates?

Be Personal, but Have your Limits – Effective Email Marketing

Be Personal, but Have your Limits - Effective Email Marketing

There is no doubt that email personalization is a great tactic that has proven to have incredible benefits in your direct mail campaigns. According to Invesp, compared to non-personalized promotion effective email marketing, personalized promotional emails have 29% higher unique open rates and 41% higher unique click rates. The benefits go further. Epson’s research indicates that 80% of customers are likelier to buy from a brand that offers a personalized experience.

While it’s good to become familiar with your customer relationship, you must be careful not to cross the line. Excessive use of names will only make you look weird to your customers and damage your reputation.

But don’t forget that there’s more to personalization than mentioning each customer’s name in the email. There are many extra ways to do this, and it’s up to you to see which option works best for your email list.

Keep your Subject Lines Short – Effective Email Marketing

47% of email recipients open based on the subject line alone, and personalized emails are 22% more likely to be opened. It shows that subject lines are essential for the success of your email marketing campaign. However, statistics show that you should pay attention to the content and the number of characters used. 6-10 word email subject lines have the highest open rate. Another stat that works in your favor is that subject lines with a sense of urgency or exclusivity give you 22% higher available rates.

What seems like a simple phrase can take a long time to create the right one. Subject lines can make or break the success of your campaign. So the next time you create one, remember that the more you say with less, the better your chances of campaign success.

Choose the Right Time to Send Emails

Timing is everything regarding the success rate of your email campaigns. First, you are looking for a better open rate and click rate, so you must focus on the right time. Another reason is loyal users may want to interact with your content (share with groups or on social media, etc.). With that in mind, you should use all the tools to determine the best time for them.

Give Presents – Effective Email Marketing

Promotional giveaways can not only dramatically increase subscribers but can also increase your revenue. You may be skeptical about why you should give something away for free, but this type of promotional content is what many subscribers love and are willing to bounce your email address in return. Freebies like masters and tools are the most popular, with a 26% to 66% click-through rate.

So, even if your subscribers gave you their email in exchange for a gift, you still have to follow the law, not only because of the legal ramifications but, more importantly, because building trust between your brand and your regulars is the #1 marketing strategy you have up your sleeve!

Send Mobile Optimized Effective Email Marketing

Imagine sending an email that looks this good. But when you open it on your phone, the images are not displayed, and the layout is terrible. Therefore, your subscribers cannot interact. This situation can seriously affect the success of your campaign.

Here are some quick plan tips that will help your marketing strategy avoid subscriber dislikes:

  • Create single-column emails
  • Put important text in the center
  • Have an easy-to-use call-to-action button
  • Use a larger font size and also
  • Show small images


The most powerful way to know what works best for your business is always to test your email campaigns. It will save you from typos, bounces, and other issues that could have been avoided if you had sent test-effective email marketing before the official.

Also, it is essential to note that testing is not something you have to do after a while but continuously on the fly. Testing changed variations of the same email campaign will give you a lot of insight into how your subscribers react. You will know what works healthy and what needs to be improved in your subsequent movements.

Also Read: Low-Budget Online Marketing Ideas