
Tactics for Senior Marketers’ Leadership require exceptional decision-making skills. But in the life of a marketer, who every day must stay on top of dozens of channels, tactics, analytics, and audiences, to name a few, it can be easy to fall into a ready-to-use approach—such a decision. Or if you’re Top Gun’s Maverick, don’t think, do it.

Urgency, pressure, complexity, limited resources, and incomplete or conflicting information can easily influence your situation. But as a marketing manager, you must take a step back and assess the risks and opportunities before making a decision.

The Art of Personal Leverage: Delegation and Automation – Tactics for Senior Marketers

Top Content Marketing Trends

In the beginning, you did everything by hand. And you have gradually refined your approach over the years. You slowly optimized your actions and improved over time.

But evolution will only take you so far. Sometimes a revolution is needed.

It is how the question “manual, delegated or automated?” content marketers of different levels often answer it.

Junior Marketer

All tasks are done because the team is small or others delegate the work to you.

Mid-Level Salesperson

You become more effective by using others to edit and publish your work. Much of the job involves collaborating with influencers and other content sources.

Marketing Manager – Tactics for Senior Marketers

It shifted its footing and became much more efficient through delegation and automation. As a result, you have taken advantage of yourself as a resource.

Depending on your skills and equipment, you can do things differently than these examples. But the point is that sometimes marketers must stop and reconsider how the job gets done.

Let an editor or assistant schedule times for you to talk to sources, set up email interviews, and collect quotes from contributors.

Hire a black. Send them your “shitty first draft,” and let them finish it.

Set up social media automation, so your tweets and content posts go live automatically.

Make a List of Everything you Know: your Lbow – Tactics for Senior Marketers

Of course, you do, many times. You have written hundreds of articles over the years. It is your body of work for life, also known as your “LBOW.” But your content isn’t organized into a larger cohesive structure.

It’s time to take a stage back and see the big picture.

Instead, write your following message. Write a summary of all your work. Start with the main topics and add subtopics under each one. Create the structure that every post you wrote fits.

It’s a powerful exercise in content strategy with enormous potential benefits. Here are some of the possible results:

  • Mega Roundup: Publish the plan as your content directory. Link to all main posts for each topic. It’s Youpedia. Send them this list the next time someone asks you if you’ve written something.
  • Pay attention to gaps – notice where parts or connections are missing. Fill these spaces with future articles. Write articles that connect multiple topics.
  • Publish the book: Now that you have the table of contents in the front of you, you’re one step closer to publishing. Fill in those blanks, hire an editor, design a cover, and send it to the printers. Then add the word “author” to your LinkedIn profile.

Brain Picker Defence: Office Hours – Tactics for Senior Marketers

There are vast benefits of networking to meet people one on one. Personally, my office hours have led me to potential clients, projects, and friendships.

But brain harvesters can be time-consuming. Simple scheduling (and sometimes rescheduling) can take four or five emails back and forth. So here are ways a senior salesperson can make that time more efficient and effective.

  • Ask people to come to you

If they want free advice, they must be willing to come to you or do it over the phone.

  • Use a planning tool

Free services like YouCanBook. I make it easy for people to sign up on their terms. More coordination time back and forth.

  • Give them homework first

My office hours sign-up page suggests that people buy and read my book before coming in. If you want my help, you should read my top tips first!

  • Invoice your time

If you are a consultant and your company provides advice, you must bill for office hours. After all, consulting is what you do.


Tactics for Senior Marketers Follow everyone For a long time. But now your streaming at home is mostly noise because you follow so many. It’s so insignificant that I haven’t looked at it in months.