What are SEO Backlinks?

SEO Backlinks—also known as inbound links or external links—refer to links on one website pointing to another website.

Search engines, like Google or Bing, view backlinks as needles of excellence gratified that have the support of another website. Pages with more backlinks can rank higher on SERPs (search engine results pages).

The Importance of SEO Backlinks in Your SEO Tactic

Do backlinks have a significant impact on your SEO?


Backlinks are a critical component of SEO, and earning commanding backlinks is one of the most important signals that Google reflects for ranking content.

What makes a High-Quality SEO Backlink?

Confidence is a huge factor. If a quality internet site with an excellent reputation links to your site, that’s a fantastic vote of confidence.

If you only have sites that Google considers spammy linking to your website, it’s not likely to help you much.

Popularity is another consideration. Because Google views external links as votes of popularity for a website or webpage, there is a strong correlation between sites with lots of (quality) backlinks and higher rankings.

How does it Affect SEO Backlinks?

Backlinks are among the 200 Google ranking factors SEO genius Brian Dean listed. However, he does note that not all backlinks are created equal. A good quality backlink is much better than a generic one, and an excellent inbound link is a mention (preferably a follow) that targets your niche.

For example, if you create a fashion blog, a good quality backlink will be from popular blogs in the fashion niche.

How to Check Your Site’s Backlinks?

If you want to see all the backlinks on your site, you can use a free backlink checker tool like Ahrefs.

All you need to fix is arrive at the URL of a page on your site, and the device will show you all the backlinks pointing to that page:

Why are SEO Backlinks Important from Google’s Point of View?

SEO Backlinks


Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s move on to why backlinks are essential. The Google search engine uses backlinks as indications to improve your site’s status. And although backlinks are one of the many explanations Google decides your site’s search engine listing, they have the most considerable effect on site ranking. Some benefits of using backlinks are:

  • Improving organic ranking in all search engines
  • Help your site get indexed faster
  • Bring in referral traffic for monetization
  • Boost overall website traffic
  • Spread brand awareness and increase domain authority

What is a Quality Backlink (and How to Get them)?

Not all backlinks are the same. And if you want to grow your website sustainably, you need to get quality backlinks. There are many ways to generate good backlinks, but before I get into that, I’d like to share a bit more about how backlinks work and why you shouldn’t use paid backlinks.

Think of paid backlinks as a fitness supplement and SEO as your site’s exercise. As with physical activity for our well-being, the health of your site could be improved with paid links.

Now, taking a supplement isn’t bad for you, as long as you take it regularly and only when you need it. However, if you take a lot of accessories or, as the case may be, create a lot of paid backlinks on a new site thinking it will improve your rankings, you can do more harm than good.

Similarly, if you create paid links for a few months and stop, your site will soon be depleted. It is not just negative SEO, but Google’s hatred of paid links and buying links will lead to penalties and remove your site from being crawled by Google.

Going back to the exercise analogy, some would argue that there is no need to supplement your body with incomplete supplements. The same goes for your site, and a natural, organic backlink is the way to go (as opposed to a paid one). Yes, you can’t speed up the process in this case, but you can follow powerful strategies to help your backlinks make an impact.

Here are some strategies to help you shape valuable backlinks :

1. Guest Posting on Popular Blogs

Guest posting is something every severe blogger does at least once, and it’s where you publish a post on someone else’s blog in exchange for some links to your site.

We have a complete guide on guest posting, but a good strategy is to use Google’s search operators to search for terms like:

[YOUR_NICHE] blog write for us

[YOUR_NICHE] blogs that accept guest posts

You can then reach out via email with a list of some ideas and some of your recent posts. Here are some tips for writing good guest post pitches.

2. Create Content that Attracts Backlinks

One of the most underrated techniques is creating high-quality content on your blog. Creating long-form content is suitable for attracting backlinks, improving reading time, and improving your SEO. In addition to long-form content, you can also conduct surveys, post statistical data, etc.

Make your content unique and fantastic so that other people can’t help linking to it.

For example, the hosting survey we publish on CodeinWP is unique and attracts backlinks. Because we collect survey data from thousands of users, it would be hard for another blog to copy this idea.

3. Carry Out Outreach Activities

Creating high-quality content is sometimes not enough; you also need other people to see that content! To that end, you should try to build relationships with other sites in your niche so that when you post great new content, you can share it with those people (in a non-spam way) and hopefully get some backlinks.

Backlinks are Essential to Grow your Website

Getting more backlinks is one of the essential strategies to improve your site’s ranking on Google.

However, don’t try to cut corners and buy low-quality directory links, comment links, spam networks, or other cheap link services that promise to improve your site’s ranking.

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