
Basically -There are so many free SEO tools are there which are very helpful. Search engine optimization is full of multiple devices, and every SEO professional has their favorite tools. Usually, the best all-in-one SEO tools are expensive and require a monthly subscription. And also this makes them mainly suitable for large companies and agencies that use them and need all the advanced features in these SEO audit tools.

However, small businesses can rarely justify the cost of expensive SEO-specific tools. When they can only be used once in a while or when a small part of the functionality is needed. And also in these cases, it’s wiser to use a collection of free tools that, while perhaps not as powerful, can do most of the work needed.

There are many SEO tools to choose from. However, it can be difficult for a beginner search engine optimizer to judge what useful tools are, especially since we are all busy people with other things besides trying different instruments. To help you out, here are my 15 favorite SEO tools that you can use in your search engine optimization efforts. I have divided the list into a few categories to make it easier for you to find the right tool for the right job.

Google Search Console – Free SEO Tools

Google Search Console – Free SEO Tools (1)

The first tool everyone should start using is Google Search Console. It is Google’s tool intended to monitor your visibility on Google. In recent years, the tool has been revamped to improve the user experience and is now easier to use. With this tool, you can discover, for example:

  • What keywords drive traffic to your site
  • Average positions of your pages and keywords
  • How often it appears in search results, and how often are its effects clicked on
  • How well is your site indexed in Google’s database

Screaming Frog – Free SEO Tools

A tremendous essential tool that crawls your site and records an impressive amount of helpful information on each page. This tool alone can discover most technical problems. For example:

  • Redirects
  • 404 pages
  • Photos And also
  • Titles, meta descriptions, and h-headers

Screaming Frog allows you to crawl 500 URLs for free, which is enough for many smaller sites.

Lighthouse – Free SEO Tools

This built-in Chrome audit tool can found in Chrome Develops Tools. First, find it in the menu or press F12. Next, find the device in the Audits tab. This tool can run five separate audits on the current page you are viewing—all at the push of a single button. As a bonus, it contains links to additional explanations of all the problems encountered.

Structured Data Testing Tool – Free SEO Tools

Structured data is a helpful way to mark up information on your page in a way that search engines can easily read and understand. Also that unfortunately, this is not always the easiest thing to implement. Use this tool to find out if your deployment is successful. – Free SEO Tools

This browser-based tool loads your webpage multiple times and then gives you detailed information about the loading speed. Plus, a list of all downloaded files and how long each took to download. It is a great way to find bottlenecks.

Also, remember to check the time to the first byte. You want the first byte to start loading within 0.5 seconds.


Free SEO Tools is a field with many tools, and much of the work is difficult to do reliably without specific tools at your disposal. Fortunately. And also you can take advantage of many free and easy-to-use tools these days. In addition, you don’t always have to use these high-level tools for everything. So if you need an SEO tool for link building. And also content marketing, backlink checking, on-page SEO, keyword ideas, optimization, or anything else, there is a free tool available.